Ever played Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Well, we're going to play Two Degrees of Dooce. Yep, that's right, I'm going to connect myself to Dooce in two degrees. Here we go:
Bossy loves Dooce.
The end.
Impressed, right?
Wait, did you not know that Bossy loves Dooce? In fact, there is a movie about it. It's fabulous, sure to win some kind of blog award this year. Watch it right now. Bossy Loves Dooce. The Movie.
So Bossy was looking for some well-deserved Dooce love. I don't know if she ever got it, but I offered her some Megan Love, which I affectionately refer to as Mooce Love. But Bossy deserves better than a little Mooce Love in Bossy's comments.
If you aren't reading Bossy, you should. Right now. I've been hooked on her since the first time I stumbled into her site. Now I hope with each new Bossy post that Bossy might some day think of Megan when she mentions her readers reader. But I have a sneaking suspicion that Bossy might reserve her nods for the readers reader who leaves comments. Unfortunately for Megan, Bossy's readers are almost as funny as Bossy is, so Megan is usually too hesitant to leave a lame comment that would pale in comparison to Bossy's hilarious comment stack.
This is where I make up for that lack of commenting thing.
In the fanatic style of Pink is the new Blog readers, who send in photos of themselves holding up signs that say things like "Pink is the new College Tour" or "Pink is the new Vatican City," as well as photos of themselves in different situations sporting a Pink is the new Blog bumper sticker, I present to you... my ode to i am bossy.com...

"Hold this sticker, Goose."

*You, too, can create your own ode to Bossy with your very own i am bossy.com bumper sticker.
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BOSSY is the new Marlon Brando or And Then BOSSY Yelled "Stella!" (the one where I meet BOSSY)