Don't you love how I missed my very first scheduled Sunday Serendipity? Sweet, right? Gah.
(This post is going to be more bloggy and less writey, so here's notice to my mom who will tell me "Today's post wasn't one of my favorites." To which I will reply, "Mom, they can't all be Victor Vito. Besides, would you tell Steven Spielberg that "Saving Private Ryan was a'ight, but it was no The Color Purple."? Then she would say, "You are no Steven Spielberg." and I would roll my eyes and steal one of her Diet Cokes.)
No kidding, hours after I posted my grand scheme and big fat empty promise to start a regular Sunday feature, I developed a fever. A fever that lasted more than a week.
It spread to my two toddlers, then to my husband, then back to me just as I said aloud, "I think I'm all better now."
For Goose, my two year old son, and I, it turned into strep throat. Holla! Ack hack hack blargh. Never mind, don't holla because your throat will split in two and fall out of your feet.
Soooooo I had to "invoke the Megan effect" and not even bother to turn on the computer for about a week. The most I could muster was a blurred cursory view of my emails and a pathetic twitter or two, then I was out.
{start playing "I Will Survive" now for the full effect}
{Actually, I was thinking of the lyric "but now I'm back... from outer space" but it turned out to be "but now you're back..." which is actually more appropriate because I know some of you are sick of my disappearing and, well, yeah this song could totally be you singing.}
But now I'm back and scrambling again. So far today, I've written a Nosh Notes for Blog Nosh Magazine, launched our new Green Living channel, introduced a new Submit form (did you know you can submit your own stuff to Blog Nosh? you can! and you should!), and am about to take some deep breaths as I address a handful of angry emails from eBay customers whose shipments are late.
Remind me to tell you some crazy eBay customers stories. This holiday season brought out some real doozies and if I don't laugh about it, I'll cry.
Oh, and speaking of my parents (was I?) and posts that I keep saying I'm going to write, I do have photos of my studio, I have not forgotten about the second half of our wedding, and no, the guy I saw was not Morgan Freeman. Obscure celebrities, people! Obscure! I could spot Morgan Freeman from behind with my eyes closed. Pfft. Amateurs. ;)
Yeah, so, um... this is my post for today. They can't all be winners.
*edited to add that I've now listened to the whole song above and I'm thinking that you wouldn't say any of those nice things about missing me and crying and feeling sorry for yourself. Did I mention I'm on alot of antibiotics and they make my brain feel like it's full of drunken cotton?
**aaaaand I just reread this post and realize that I'm channeling my friend Jenny. Which may or may not mean that drunk cotton = The Bloggess. In any case, I'll take it because she's frickin' awesome and painfully hilarious (not to say that this post is either). Therefore, from now on I'm going to start popping antibiotics when I have writer's block.

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