Psst... Big news over at Blog Nosh Magazine today! Here's a nibble of my weekly Nosh Notes from the Editor:
Blog Nosh Magazine is a virtual buffet of blog content. However, we are more the kind of buffet you might find at a casino: neither Italian, nor Mexican, nor Creole, nor American. We are better for you than a dessert bar but more sinful than a salad bar.
And like most buffets, the majority of our fare has been festering in the back of the kitchen for a while (harhar,
a joke meaning our content comes from your blog archives, sans mold).
We just happen to have a knack for freshening it up before offering it
to the early-bird crowd.
Perhaps a metaphor involving wine would have been more appropriate? After all, we are highly selective. Noted.
The most important thing to remember when sampling what we place on your table is that we don’t ask that you always like what we are serving, just that you try it.
This week has been a fascinating week at Blog Nosh. Here we are, noshing left and right with posts about homosexual marriage, body image, lost and found love, finding our place in the right church, making the most of the day we are given, adoption and abortion, homeschooling with flavor, and poking a bit of fun at men and their egos… when all of the sudden we slip in a (gasp!) favorable post about George W. Bush.
You’d think a rat ran through the kitchen.
Continue reading How We Roll. Pumpernickel and Rye Style. at Blog Nosh Magazine and be sure to check out the front page for our big news!

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