Exactly one year ago, we welcomed our baby boy into the world.
Happy Birthday, Cheeks!
Now that you are a big boy, it's time to drop the baby blog nickname. From now on, Cheeks will be Goose. It's a play on his real name and a nod to his terrible habit of sharp, unexpected nips with those new teeth of his.
So, then, Happy Birthday, Goose!
In celebration of one of my favorite days, here is Goose's birth story, as written on our personal family photo website shortly after he was born. I've edited it a bit for this version, changing the names. I'm seriously fighting the urge to spruce it up a bit, as the style is pretty sparse compared to how I usually write on this blog, but I'm going to leave it as I wrote it just days after Goose was born. Still hopped up on Percocet and apparently with no patience for my usually articulate (read: wordy) self.
I love birth stories, and I hope you get a kick out of one of mine. A quick word of warning: there is a bit of blood in a picture or two below. I could have chosen to share with you some totally cleaned up photos, but I feel like I know my readers well enough to know that ya'll would appreciate the photo of the exact moment that I touched Goose for the first time. In any case, you've been warned.
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Such a wild night! Goose's birth story:
It's 2 a.m. and I'm thinking, "Wait, I can't remember... are these what contractions felt like?"
After timing them myself for an hour, I woke Maguire up, timed them another hour, then decided to head to the hospital with my mom in tow. We arrived at the hospital at 5 a.m. to find that I was 3 cm dilated. Thinking we had time, the doctor on call for our OB practice decided to give our OB some more "beauty sleep" before calling her in. No need to see a doctor for quite some time, right? Wrong.
At a little after 6 a.m. (less than an hour later), I had zoomed to 7 cm dilated and Goose seemed to have arrival plans a little more pressing than any of our doctors had anticipated. The nurse called the on-call doc, who hopped in his car and started trying to reach my OB. Hmmm, at this point it would be nice to have a doctor here, folks. My water breaks, the nurse checks me, and I then hear a fierce whisper across the room to "find any doctor and get them in here NOW!" Aah yes, just what I wanted to hear.
Of course, my mom tells me that at that point I had abandoned my hopes to see my own OB or at least a doctor from that office and was pleading for "any doctor, any doctor, any doctor!" Goose and I were flying solo on this mission, no meds, and I'm thinking the pain was talking for us at that point. Yikes.
I'm not entirely sure what happened from there, other than I thought the nurse was helping me along, checking my dilation, as she kept urging me NOT to push. Apparently, I was confused, though, because my mom and Maguire tell me that she was not, in fact, checking me... she was holding the baby in with her hand until a doctor came! Yeah, that would be that "any doctor!" thing.
Cue the exciting "ER" music now... they find a doctor in the showers (at least, I hope he was a doctor), he runs into the room (still wet), they throw on his scrub apron/ gown thing, they slip something under me (who knows), I hear "okay, you can push now," I push one time and Goose comes flying out like a baby missile in one shot-- head, shoulders, body, all the way to tiny toes-- all at once! The doctor literally catches him in mid-air.
Goose clearly didn't have time for any of that "he's crowning" crap that other babies do; once he commits, he commits! 6:54 a.m., less than 2 hours after arriving at the hospital, less than 4 hours after my first inkling of a contraction, and Goose arrives with determination and a fierce flair for the dramatic in one (quite literally) explosive shot.
Although friends and family had wanted to be there for the birth, we were obviously lucky to even have a doctor there. Fortunately, Maguire and my mom were by my side the whole time. Enjoy the photos and join us in welcoming Baby Goose.