Guest post by Musing
I'm in the car with my 19-yr-old daughter and 17-yr-old son. They're chatting about different things when I hear the word, "Rickrolled."
"What's that?" I ask.
"Oh. My. God," my son says. "You don't know what a Rickroll is?!? How can you be on the Internet as much as you are and not know what a Rickroll is?"
"FAIL!" says my daughter.
My son huffs. "A Rickroll is when someone gets you to click on a link you think's for one thing, but instead it takes you to a music video by Rick Astley."
"Who's Rick Astley?"
17-yr-old son slaps his forehead.
Daughter explains, "He's a pop singer, and his song Never Gonna Give You Up was a big hit in the 80's."
"Ah, no wonder," I say, "I totally missed 80's music. I was too busy popping out four babies that decade."
Son says, "You are so not cool, Mom."
"I'll have you know I'm one hip mother," I say. "Who drove through a blizzard last year so she could scream herself silly at a rock concert? Who wants a tattoo on her back as soon as she can afford one? Who has a humongous crush on a certain Gundam Seed pilot?"
"Oh dear god," my son says, shaking his head.
Back at the house we look up The Video and, wow, it seems this Rickrolling thing is a YouTube phenomenon right up there with The Dramatic Chipmunk, World of Warcraft dances, and Fred.
We watch a news anchor get Rickrolled and a Rickroll at a girl's basketball game. There's even an Obama Roll (which is awesome, btw).
Seems there's also some dispute over how to write the term. For some it's Rickroll, for others Rick Roll. Oh, and my daughter informs me that the past tense is Roll'd not Rolled. There's just so much to learn.
After seeing Yoda shake it to Never Gonna Give You Up my son says, "I still can't believe you didn't know what a Rickroll was. I bet all your blogger friends know what it is."
So, how about it fellow bloggers? Did you know what a Rickroll was before you read this?
For myself, I really don't mind being behind when it comes to YouTube fads. As long as I have my Johnny Depp is sex on legs vid, I'm good.
Musing a.k.a. QuoteHunter catalogs great blogger sayings at Blogtations
P.S. Okay, okay, here's the one you're looking for. :)

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