Hey, all you BOSSY readers!
I see you wondering who BOSSY's stalker is.
That would be me.
Come back later tonight for lots of photos of the back of BOSSY'S neck.
A lot like this one that I would insert here if Typepad would get back online and let me insert any photos.
Like the one of BOSSY's shoulder that I would insert right here.
And, oh yeah, the one of BOSSY looking gorgeous in Cafe Du Monde. You might have to email Typepad for that one. They may have taken BOSSY seriously and now won't let me upload anything with the word "bossy" in the file.
In the meantime, here is your official
BOSSY Stalking Timeline a la Velveteen Mind:
1st: BOSSY is the new Dooce
2nd: my Gulf Coast BOSSY bumper sticker tour w/ Oh, the Joys!
3rd: BOSSY is the new Napoleon
Update: BOSSY is the new Marlon Brando or And then BOSSY Yelled "Stella!" (the one where I meet BOSSY)
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