I am afraid of the Queen of Spain.
I read her blog. I follow her on Twitter. I hunt her down as Erin Kotecki Vest on Huffington Post. I watch her many video blogging experiments. Hell, I even guest blogged at her place. I am down with the Queen of Spain.
And yet she makes me a little nervous. She has a bit of a bold streak. And by bold, I mean she has a seriously foul mouth, will attack your mother's uncle, has no problem with threats of public nudity, and can politic you under the table so you had better know your conservatives from your liberals less you are prepared to look like George Bush on his least focused day.
That's putting it nicely.
I love her. I also respect her.
Yet writing this post is making me pee a little.
Queen of Spain (or any of you political pundit moms, for that matter), I want to weigh in on our current presidential election but I have some questions. I want to ask questions. For instance, am I supposed to capitalize "presidential?" No, really, I have serious questions.
I am still only developing my political opinions and I don't want to look like an idiot, but you have me quaking in my boots sandals.
I believe the word is cowed.
I'm not looking to be an expert. I'm not going to be joining MOMocrats anytime soon. By the way, is there even an equivalent for Republican mom bloggers? I can't find any Republican mom bloggers within the blogs I already read. This is like the time I realized that a significant portion of my readers and favorite bloggers were Mormons.
I'm trying to form an educated opinion, make a well-informed decision.
And, oh yeah, finally register to vote.
When I first shared with you all that I have never voted before, I meant it sort of as an interesting little aside in my 100 Things 100th post. That should demonstrate to you how naive I am when it comes to politics. I never expected the chastising responses. Yet, I welcomed them.
I know I should have voted by now. I have not yet voted because I have never been interested enough to commit to an opinion. Seriously, if it wasn't about Ronald Reagan (my childhood favorite president, having nothing to do with political affiliation), I wasn't listening.
Example: A friend of mine told me that he would be clerking for [insert name of Supreme Court Justice here] and my response was, "That's great. Hey, have you talked to [insert name of non-Supreme Court Justice college friend here] lately?"
I had no idea who he was talking about. Smooth.
But I am listening now. Unfortunately for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (I had to double check how to spell both of those names), I am mostly listening to Glenn Beck. And I'm not a fan of John McCain.
I have a sneaking suspicion that there are more opinions out there. And I am thoroughly interested in the opinions of other parents because we are the ones guiding the political candidates of the future. We are the ones raising future taxpayers. Our influence is important.
Just do me a favor? Don't jump all over my bare butt hanging out when I start asking questions. Don't try to pin me to one political party, because I don't own any lapel pins, yet.
I have found a bit of velveteen in my mind that hasn't been worn threadbare and I'm ready to start picking it apart.
Care to join me?
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