Guest Post by Deb from Mom of 3 Girls
Wow, having to keep the bunny alive – what a lot of
pressure! What if the bunny dies while on my watch? Sigh… Well, here’s my best effort to keep
this NaBloPoMo thing rolling over here at The Velveteen Mind. Keep in mind this
is my first time guest posting anywhere ever, that I’m way out of my comfort zone here and we’ll all get along just fine…
I’m Deb, otherwise known as ‘Mom of 3 Girls’. Yes, I know it’s
such a creative name. I have no idea
where I could’ve come up with that. Nope, none at all. :) Although it
does really fit, due to a serious lack of ‘boy parts’ around my household, other
than my poor outnumbered husband, of course. Yes, even our 2 cats are female…
So that puts the ratio at 6 to 1. Yikes, no wonder the poor guy works so much,
One question we get all the time is whether or not we’re
going to ‘try for a boy’. And people
started asking this question even while I was still pregnant with baby girl #3!
One down side to knowing the gender, I
suppose (along with being gifted with more pink, ruffles and fluff than we
could possibly use for an entire cheerleading squad of girls). My standard
answer was (and is) something along the lines of, “well, I think we’re going to
wait and see how well we survive the 3rd child before we even start
thinking about having a 4th!”. Just once though I wish I’d come out with, “oh yes, we’ll keep popping them out until we get that boy!” just
to see the reaction. I’m sure it probably would’ve raised a few eyebrows. At the time I was too chicken to actually try it though.
My husband was convinced that our third child was going to
be a boy. The pregnancy was different in so many ways from my previous two. And
a lot of it was probably wishful thinking as well. I think he was in complete shock at the
ultrasound – his dreams of a blue, “Detroit Lions” themed nursery down the
drain. Never mind that it’s a horrendous shade of blue or that the Lions are
hardly a team to be proud of (although I must admit they’re doing somewhat
decently so far this year!), he was ready to rush right out and start stocking
up on tiny football-themed apparel and décor. I mentioned that there’s nothing
wrong with a girl wearing team colors – in fact we do have this:
but he said that it’s just not the same.
So are we going to ‘try for a boy’ someday? Definitely not. But we may decide to have a 4th
child – I’m still waiting to see if I survive the three we have first. And if
(right now it’s a big IF) baby #4 does happen, we’ll both (yes, both!) be
thrilled as long as he/she is healthy and happy, no matter the gender. Although
at this point I don’t think I’d know what to do with a baby boy if we did ever even
have one.
And besides, I’m not sure I like the sound of “Mom of 3
Girls… and a Boy”. Just doesn’t have the
same ring to it… :)
If you'd like, come visit me over at my usual home!