I am only vaguely aware that I have a computer lately. The thought that I have a blog is really just a joke.
I mean, I don't even have a shower every day.
Today, we made an offer on a house. For the first time in more than two years, I am entertaining the thought of having my own home again.
A real home.
Tomorrow, I am relaunching my eBay store for the holidays. For the first time in months, I am entertaining the thought of managing my own steady income again.
A real workload.
Both of these things equal no time to think, let alone write. Both of things also equal a desperate need to write, to keep my head straight.
Both of these things equal positive changes. But I'll have to work for them.
This week is going to be insanely busy for me, so please continue to embrace my GoBloMeMoFo guest bloggers. Come the first of December, things should begin to stabilize into a more steady pace of chaos, as opposed to the herky jerky chaos that has been November.
I just need to make it through this week. I just need to make it through the end of November.