Do a few things and do them well. Social media is one of those things I hope to do well. It is something I hope to participate in mindfully, when I am not participating playfully. Ideally, I would execute mindfully and playfully simultaneously. The irony is that social media nearly demands a 24/7 lock on our attention. Clearly, I won’t grant the unwieldy beast even an eighth of that.
So how do you grab the reins?
I choose. I don’t grab the reins of every beast that gallops by, no matter how exhilarating the ride appears.
Choosing to work with companies like Tide on projects like Loads of Hope is the perfect example of how I have carefully evolved how I prefer to use my platforms. Using social media to amplify messages I believe in is part of my “broad story.” The swath of color that will stand out when you step back and view the forest versus allowing yourself to become consumed by the trees.
One of those swaths of color in my broad story is orange.
I have been endlessly distracted and my attention divided the last few weeks, but before I do anything else I want to share with you how proud I was to attend the Tide Loads of Hope concert in New Orleans featuring Faith Hill and the Dirty Dozen Brass Band. Yes, I’m actually following up on a story I mentioned to you!
The culmination of Story Bleed’s Hope Remains carnival, it was a treat to share stories with Faith (yes, she is just that beautiful and kind) and an honor to host local bloggers at the concert (WHO DAT!). More than anything, it was a rare opportunity to spend time with Tide and the team behind the Loads of Hope program.
There is a reason I lend my voice to this program.
A simple message and a simple call-to-action: Tide Loads of Hope is a free mobile laundry truck that arrives on-scene and washes clothes for victims of natural disasters, effectively and efficiently caring for the simplest of human needs. Support the program by buying Tide’s vintage t-shirts.
Do a few things and do them well. Pat the pretty beasts as they swirl by in your social media stream, but hold tight to your reins and embrace the ones that carry you.
Make choices. Act with intent. Move with purpose.
And for the love of God, have fun.
••• ••• •••
This summer was wonderful. Creatively, it was precisely the break that I needed. By giving my family my undivided attention, it freed my creative center to regroup. I reemerged with clarity and, most vital, interest.
I am interested in what I do creatively. That isn’t always the case when a hobby develops a business element, which is certainly the case with both Velveteen Mind and Story Bleed. I am trying to make more thoughtful choices that better support that creativity and the audience that embraces my experiments.
Which means embracing consistency. Which means timely follow-through. Which means a strong voice that maintains a steady thread through even the threadbare.
I have a slew of stories I want to share with you. News and announcements and good, good things. I’m getting back to work.
Thank you for your patience and your interest in what I choose to share with you. Ask any PR rep that emails me and they’ll tell you that I’m fiercely protective of how I engage your attention. I know how good I’ve got it with you.
As much as I’m nearly obsessive about reading and responding to your comments, I am closing comments on this post.
I graciously ask that you use the time you usually spend in comments and click through to the Tide Loads of Hope site.
Take 30 seconds and see why I afford them your attention. Then take a moment to consider what swaths of color are becoming part of your broad story.
We’ll talk soon.
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