Anticipation is a thrilling tease of a beast. After a month-long pseudo-vacation, I stand at the edge of one of my busiest months of the year. This August, in particular, promises to be breathtaking.
You are watching me take a deep breath. Now let’s dive in.
BlogHer is this week! BlogHer is an annual blogging conference, though that little word “blogging” doesn’t do it justice. It is a celebration of women in all platforms of social media and is one of my favorite events. Nearly two thousand women will meet in New York and prod the ground for places to break through.
Thursday night, the night before BlogHer, I co-host The People’s Party with four of my friends on the grounds of the conference. From 7pm – 10pm, join me and co-hosts Jessica from Oh the Joys!, Katie from Motherbumper, Janet from IzzyMom, and Jenny from The Bloggess as we raise our fists in righteous exaltation of The People!
The People’s Party is designed for the people, by the people. It began as our answer to “Did you get invited to Super Secret Hush Hush 100-Guests-Max Private Party?”
Easily one of the largest non-invite blogger-organized events of the year, always hosted on-site for easy “throw your bag in the room and drop in'” access, we will happily play host to more than 1200 guests in a laid-back landing pad atmosphere with much ice-breaking in mind.
And no, we will not have swag this year. Pass it on. Why not? Swag is supposed to be a thank-you to generous party sponsors. The party itself is the gift for the guests. That message became a bit muddled at some private parties last year and, well, we can’t be bothered. I sort of love that about us.
I love this party. I also love to point out that the first year I co-hosted it was the first year I ever attended BlogHer. If I remember correctly, it was my first conference ever. So don’t give me any of this “I’m a newbie” crap as an excuse to not dive right in.
BlogHer is what you make of it. I make a party and celebrate my community.
Viva La People!
The rest of my agenda will revolve almost exclusively around the official BlogHer schedule. Although I almost religiously decline private party invitations, I am dropping into a couple of private events this year, with reason.
Find me:
Bloganthropy Awards, Thursday evening: I am one of five finalists for the Bloganthropy Awards this year!
The Bloganthropy Awards recognize bloggers who have made a difference by using social media effectively to promote a good cause. “We are thrilled to partner with Bloganthropy to recognize bloggers who have channeled their passion and commitment to worthy causes through social media,” says Stephanie Azzarone, president, Child’s Play Communications. “It is inspirational to see their dedication and influence.”
“’s goal is to encourage bloggers to use their social media influence to make the world a better place. We seek to amplify their efforts by promoting their projects and connecting them with corporate sponsors,” says Debbie Bookstaber, co-founder of
Recognized for the use of my platforms to promote projects such as Tide Loads of Hope or my recent campaign with Pepperidge Farm that resulted in a donation equivalent to 70,000 meals for Feeding America, I am simply honored. I am also distinctly out of place.
The other nominees are Kristine McCormick for Cora’s Story, Katherine Stone for Postpartum Progress, Maggie Ginsberg-Schutz for Violence Unsilenced, and Debbie Dubrow, Michelle Duffy, Pam Mandel and Beth Whitman for Passports With Purpose. Each of those amazing platforms are dedicated to their causes. Literally.
I’m dedicated to exploring the nooks in my own velveteen mind. This is a personal blog. It’s very much The Megan Show. Although I may write about hurricanes and oil spills, I more frequently write about books and my attitude about other people’s attitudes. At any moment I could start writing single-mindedly about vampire shows on HBO. So, yeah, let’s just say I’m honored to stand among these women and leave it at that. I am honored.
Social Luxe Lounge, Thursday evening: I’ll be one of the “VIPs” presenting the BlogLuxe Awards at the Social Luxe Lounge. I squirreled my schedule around so I can pop in and present Funniest Blog with Heather Spohr and Christine Koh just before I jet off to finish set-up for The People’s Party.
I reworked my schedule because the women behind Social Luxe Lounge went out of their way to be respectful of the established People’s Party timeframe last year.
There are an impossible number of private parties before and during BlogHer and I wield a wicked attitude about those that conflict with the official conference schedule. Granted, The People’s Party is on the official schedule this year, but this attitude is well-seated. Social Luxe is one of the few private events that makes an effort to respect the established schedule. (Which is, after all, the only reason these thousands of women are in town in the first place. Spotlight-hungry brands? Show some respect.)
The 4th Annual People’s Party, Thursday 7pm- 10pm: Sold you on this above.
All official schedule and events, possibly after-schedule drop-ins.
Mindful Monetization panel, Saturday 1:30pm: I am full of opinions and they love to be amplified via a microphone. Come to our Mindful Monetization panel and watch us tread the choppy waters of how to make money from your platforms while staying true to your values. Someone will probably ask about being paid for doing reviews and I’ll inevitably snap my fingers and say, “I have zero tolerance for the ‘Why not me? This isn’t fair!’ set.” This panel is a combination of a few pitched panels, including one of my own that was subtitled “A Cage Match Between Your Personal and Professional Blogging Ambitions.” I wanted to wear silk shorts and robe but I think I was outvoted.
Sparklecorn, Saturday 8pm- 11pm: The only party to which I RSVP’d for Saturday night. I know my limits. Last year I draped an over-the-top 80’s plastic charm necklace across my hugely pregnant self, in keeping with their theme. This year I am 80% sure I want to dress up like a Jersey girl a la Real Housewives of New Jersey and Jerseylicious. Who’s with me? If I could, I’d have my hair and makeup done at The Gatsby Salon in Jersey, that honey hole of Jersey style.
And that’s it. Other than dropping into a few places on Thursday, I’m limiting myself to generally one event a night. BlogHer works for me because I keep it simple. I refuse to become intimidated or overwhelmed and it works.
This was a lot to cram into one post, but I gave myself a lot of room last month and now have a lot of material to cover this week. I haven’t even mentioned the best part of this week and I’m afraid you’ll have to either track me down at BlogHer or come back here at the end of the week to find out my big news.
Track me down at BlogHer and I’ll hand you my big news.
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