At the height of my morning sickness, I wasn’t checking my email or logging onto the computer at all for days at a time, and then only to check our bank balance. When I would check my email, there would be several messages along the lines of, “Where is your article?” and “How far along in your cover feature are you?” and “You are killing us. We go to print in two days.”
I would crawl away from the toilet long enough to reply, “Yep, almost done. It’s smashing. You’ll love it. Just polishing it up.” After which I would crawl back to the toilet and gaze at my reflection which was staring back and asking, “Really? This is how you are going to play it? Because last time I checked you hadn’t even read your notes since the interview.”
Toilet Water Megan is snarky and impatient. She takes no crap. Er, well, hmmmm.
To be fair, I am a master procrastinator, yes. But I had lost so much energy and so many brain cells that I literally started crying one day because I couldn’t remember if salutations should include a comma before the name. I wrote “Hey, Paula,” and “Hey Paula,” dozens of times before I finally gave up. My brain was gone, replaced by pregnant mush capable only of calculating the time and distance to the bathroom from any given point in the house.
Our story ends brilliantly well, fortunately, as I managed to deliver my very first cover feature for Mom Writers Literary Magazine without a hitch. This may be the first my publisher and editors have heard of my deceptions, in fact. Rest assured, however, that I more or less write the exact same content regardless of whether it is delivered early or at deadline.
This way was much more exciting though, right? …I’m going with “Right.”
All of this is to proudly announce that I have accepted the position of Cover Editor at Mom Writers Literary Magazine. My job is to write the cover feature each issue, which is pretty much exactly what I would have begged to do anyway. Published quarterly, it is an engaging mix of interviews, essays, and poetry by mom writers.
They gave me plenty of room to stretch my legs on my first feature, too. Incredibly good news because my first interview was with Asha Dornfest of and I am just as long-winded on the phone as I am on this blog. But who wouldn’t be when discussing the nitty gritty of blogging with someone as fascinating as Asha? I even let Asha talk a little.
Note to self: When the transcript has more “Megan” paragraphs than “Asha” paragraphs, you’ve gone off the tracks somewhere.
As it turns out, the Spring issue is focused on Mom Bloggers. Right up your alley? Subscribe today and the Spring issue (with my fingers-crossed gorgeous feature on Asha) should arrive at your doorstep within about a week. Mom bloggers not your interest but mom writers more your thing? Subscribe and enjoy a plethora of insightful interviews with the most talented mom writers publishing today.
Seriously, people, this is my first published piece. My first “clip,” as it were. The editors said they loved it, but I trust you, so check it out and tell me if I should throw in the towel and start writing snarky stories about the other moms in the pick-up line or not. And if you do enjoy it, definitely drop Asha a line.
I think I had her fooled into thinking I’d done this before, too. Psych!
… Suddenly I’m thinking that I no longer need an editor so much as I need a PR pro. A spin doctor that would keep me from divulging my secrets and rather put a glossy spin on my mind-boggling writing skills. Now then, let me try this again…
Grab your own subscription now and I’ll throw in a bonus! Bring your Mom Writers Literary Magazine with my Asha Dornfest cover feature to BlogHer and I’ll autograph it for you! Or, um, just sign Asha’s name. Or explain why I asked her that question. Or what I was thinking when I wrote that other thing. Or give you a couple of bucks back because, hello, hack? Whatever you want.
(I’m seriously just kidding about the autograph thing. My ego is not that massive.)
Yeah, now hiring a PR specialist. I just write the stuff. I have no idea how to sell it.
In the meantime… free stuff!
Leave a comment that bolsters my publisher and editors’ faith in mah mad writing skills (or really any comment) and I’ll randomly select 3 commenters to receive a copy of the Fall/ Winter 2008 issue featuring Melissa Stanton, former Senior Editor at People and LIFE magazines, author of The Stay-at-Home Survival Guide, and force behind both the MotherVerse Blog and Real Life Support for Moms.
I didn’t write anything in that issue but I’ll be happy to doodle on the cover, if you want. (again, no haters, I’m kidding.)
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