Guest post by Jenny from Mommin' It Up!
I'm Jenny Rapson, and I approved this
We’ve just had an election, and there is a celebratory mood
in the air. For some, it’s revelry of
relief – no matter who they voted for, many Americans are simply celebrating
the fact that it is over. I am one of those Americans. Because the truth is, the past few months in this country have been full
of rancor, and it has depleted my spirit.
I have wept, more than once during this election, over the
viciousness in the air. I drive down a
street nearly every day where for the past four weeks or so there has been a
hand-painted sign in the 2nd floor window of a house. It is a painting of John McCain's head, with
a drill pointed at his temple. It says, “Drill Here, Drill Now.”
Lovely, America. We should be so proud.
I don't understand
why politics causes humans to hate each other so much. I don't understand why people spit a
candidate's name out of their mouths like it's a dirty word. I can’t wrap my head around why that has to
be part of this democratic process.
I'm not blaming the campaigns for this; I'm blaming their
"supporters." Supporters of McCain hell-bent on making Obama, a
devoted father of two, out to be a terrorist, supporters
of Obama wearing t-shirts at a rally that said “Sarah Palin is a C***”.
Here’s my brilliant post-election strategy for our country: Why don't we stop acting like jerkwads and
start loving each other? Even if we could even love each other just a little bit,
it would help so much. If
you prefer, you can choose to follow the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as
you'd have done to you." I prefer
the words of Jesus in Mark 12:31-32.
“Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment
greater than these.”
Just give it a whirl. I challenge you to treat someone you disagree with like you'd want to be
treated. Respect them, honor them, agree
to disagree, but agree to work together to make this a better
country for all of us.
Parents, let’s do it for our children. They are watching our
every move. I have seen many pictures of
children at campaign rallies this year. They’ve
been witness to an amazing historic election in our country; now let them be
witness to an amazing outpouring of love among its citizens. If we show them
the way, just imagine where they can take these United States! We can’t always agree, but we can always
choose to love and respect one another.
I think it’s just that we’ve forgotten that it’s an
option. Consider yourself reminded.
Jenny Rapson is a SAHM of two who complains blogs about motherhood, her vanity, and her coupon addiction over at Mommin' It Up!
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