I'm having a bit of a love affair with the Gulf Coast right now. As I sit down and prepare to write my first post for Deep South Moms Blog, a new sister site of Silicon Valley Moms Blog network, I am struggling with words to describe how I feel about living in the Deep South.
I decided to write for Deep South Moms Blog because it would offer a thematic challenge and motivator for me. I write very loosely about living on the Gulf Coast on Velveteen Mind, but when I give any real thought to what it means to live in the South, I actually have a lot to say. A lot to share.
Culture coming out of my humidity-drenched pores.
Writing for the SVMB network of blogs is going to be a thrill. They are a fantastic group, founder Jill Asher is amazing, and it is going to give me an opportunity to push my writing. I tend to get a little lazy about writing on a daily basis, so this new focus will hopefully bleed over into Velveteen Mind.
In the meantime, lest you think I'm going to be getting all serious on you as I explore the delicate art of Southern Charm, allow me to introduce you to one of my favorite blues men ever: Mississippi Gary.
If you don't laugh at this, we can't be friends. Yes, I have a lot of friendship requirements, I know, but this one is for real. ...ish.
Be sure to skip ahead to minute 1:00 for the Mississippi Gary bit. This is from The Kids in the Hall, Mississippi Gary played by Mark McKinney, so yes, I am offering you a bit of Southern culture by way of Canada. Classic, eh?
It's only appropriate, as I am Southern by way of Illinois. Or, as I much prefer to say:
Yankee by birth, Southern by the grace of God. Praise the Lord!
Now skip to minute 1:00 and tell me you laugh!
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