I quit one of my writing gigs. Why? Because I couldn't bring myself to post here at Velveteen Mind when I knew I owed a post elsewhere.
I told a friend today that it felt like calling in sick and then being caught shopping at the mall, wandering around with a Diet Coke and a Double Doozie from Great American Cookie, a satisfied grin slapped on my smug little face.
What I am saying is: my plan is to start posting here at the ole joint with the tattered book more like 3 times a week, rather than the usual 3 times a month. Hence, the cutting back of distractions. And if I don't? You can call me on it.
Mrs. Fussypants certainly already does call me on it. So does Missives from Suburbia. And damn Jennifer from Playgroups are No Place for Short Blog Titles. If she suggests one more time that posting frequently is a great way to build a good blog, I'm going to poke her in the butt with a fork.
Um, so yeah, I know I should post more. I totally get that. (I'm planning on memorizing Jennifer's Blog Tip Sharing series. I see that she has up a post about maintaining uncluttered Sidebars. Good Lord, do I even want to know? Jennifer, side offer: if you will come over to my blog and critique it, I will offer you my butt's ability to warm a bed for 3 nights at BlogHer. You in?)
The irony is that while you may think I've fallen off of the blogosphere, the reality is that all I have been thinking about is blogging for the last month. I'm talking about Blog Nosh Magazine... again. I keep mentioning it because a lot of work is going into that project and I am not only inundated with emails every day from bloggers and editors, but I am also flooded with pride and a fiery passion for all that we are banging out and building up.
Not to mention The People's Party. And, yes, I will be mentioning BlogHer a few more times (insert laugh here) in the next few weeks. I'll try to do it without annoying those of you not going, but talk about a huge project! And worth every second.
So while you have been seeing no new updates at Velveteen Mind, I have been thinking about you for hours every day. Thinking of how to best promote your work on Blog Nosh Magazine, how to entice the most click-through to your blogs, how to let you shine. I've been thinking about meeting you at BlogHer, helping to make you feel welcome, introducing you to our sponsors who are interested in you, plotting ways to keep you entertained and engaged, all the while taking into consideration how to include those not attending the conference.
Speaking of you broke folk (holla!) and shy peeps not going to BlogHer: Don't forget to send me your bloggy business cards for distribution at The People's Party if you are unable to attend. Just email me for my address. And you absolutely have to tune in to the live feed of the party (details soon), call your friends-in-attendance and encourage them to make fools of themselves on camera while giving you a shout-out, and see that, "Hey, I should go next year because it's not that big of a deal."
(and if this isn't the most arrogant post ever, I don't know what is--- just bear with me, because I am trying to convince myself that I can pull my weight despite my traffic currently being dismal --post more post more post more-- and my patient readers growing impatient... hey, look! another cookie distraction!)
One more thing: Jennifer from Playgroups are the Longest Blog Name in History also says that all of our posts don't have to be long and eloquent. She encourages us to keep it quick and dirty.
If anyone has a needlepoint that I could hang over my computer that says "Keep it quick and dirty," I'd love to have it.
*Double Doozie photos via the flickr page: turbo binge
(**Consider this fair warning: if you visit turbo binge, you will immediately gain 5 pounds. Man, I am hungry. Starving. mmmmmmm....)
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