I just said that I am not a fan of labels, right? Did ya'll hear me rant that over at Plain Jane Mom? Well, uh, I changed my mind. But just for today...
Oh, the Joys has wielded her Nominatrix whip once again and slapped me with a Rockin' Blogger award. One label I will happily accept, thank you very much.
My favorite part is that the original name of this award is the Rockin' Girl Blogger, but Oh, the Joys decided that the "Girl" had to go. I so love it. Then she went messin' around with the badge, too. Love it even more. There's nothing better than screwing around with blog awards, right?
Breakin' the law! Breakin' the law!
Since I have been looking for a way to thank my generous commenters from Victor Vito, I'm about to start snapping my own whip around...
CharmingBitch is the reason I felt comfortable enough to even write "Victor Vito." Her openness and honesty is startling, even jarring sometimes. An incredibly welcome change of pace.
Sorta Crunchy blog mistress Megan (note the correct spelling, peeps) keeps me on track with my crunchy-mama aspirations. Though, really, I'm only trying to be sorta-sorta crunchy. Mostly soggy, but still. I'm tryin'.
BOSSY at i am bossy is on the outs with memes, much like me, but if anyone is a Rockin' Blogger, it's her. She is an absolute daily read, and if she hasn't updated, then she's a daily re-read. Addictions are good when they are this funny, folks. I'm sure you already read her, but this is my game today, so I'm whipping her, too.
Pass the Chocolate is one of my favorites. I haven't been following a lot of blogs for long, but this is one of the first I got hooked on, no doubt due to its chocolaty goodness. I'm always lovin' Shauna.
My ditto sister, Annie. If ya'll aren't reading Blooming Marvelous, you should. I think Annie and I share a brain. We are usually right on each other's tails with blog content, which means that if you like me, you'll love her. If I'm rockin', she's shreddin'.
Fenicle rocks. Period. Alternately hilarious and thought-provoking. She wrote a post about abandoned shopping carts and I was hooked. Ooh, and one about a woman returning a 50 cent toy she bought at her yard sale the day before. I love it.
These next bloggers have already received their Rockin' Blogger or Rockin' Girl Blogger nods (those above may have, too, but I can't be everywhere all the time, jeez!), but I have to add my own linky lovin' to the mix anyway. Because I can and I think they rock. Not just because they threw some mad support behind my Katrina moaning, but because they got mad skillz.
Absolutely Bananas is just that. Her Photoshoppin' skills are admirable and as soon as I can either steal a copy or scrounge up the dough to buy it myself, I'll be going to her for some "how do I make myself look like Angelina Jolie?" tips.
'Twas Brillig is a Rockin' Blogger in my book, if only for the fact that she was posting pictures of Christian Bale when I first found her. I know I've mentioned that before, but it's worth mentioning again. Christian Bale. Yeah, Christian Bale. (If you've disabled my SnapShots, you are really missing out.) Back to Brillig, though, check out her new domain, give her grief for killing George, and be sure to update your links, because she'll be checkin', ya'll.
And, finally, the Queen of Shake-Shake and Jennifer at Playgroups Are No Place For Children. Yep, that's right, I'm nominating someone that already nominated me, as well as someone that was nominated with me. Gotta a problem with that? Huh? Go ahead, say it to my face! I am always thrilled to see my Google Reader light up with updates from these two blogs because just about everything they write strikes a chord with me.
That's it for today. I have a handful of hot links left to share with you, but I'm going to share those later, along with a relevant follow-up post to "Victor Vito." Yes, the drama never ends. Neither does the gratitude.
Wrangle up some nominations of your own, ladies (I think it's supposed to be five, but whatever), and grab any of the buttons above, courtesy of Oh, the Joys! Be sure to pop over to her site and check out the other options, as well. Just can't leave well enough alone and I love it.
Lagniappe: (lan-yap) from New Orleans creole; a small gift given with a purchase to a customer, by way of compliment or for good measure; bonus.