GoBloMeMoFo... such a funny title (for a funny lady!). For some reason it always makes me think of a swear word. Not sure why.
I had a bunny. Actually I had two. I was in 4-H (oh yeah!) when I was in grade school. One of my bunnies was a tortoise colored Dutch named Daisy May. And how sad is this? For some reason I kept remembering that she was a Netherland Dwarf..., but that didn’t seem right. So I had to go to the American Rabbit Breeder’s Association home page and look at the pictures to find the right name!
The other rabbit I had was a Himalayan. Think Siamese cat, but looking like a rabbit. And she was fat. And I can’t even remember what her name was! She wasn’t friendly at all.
So I had these two rabbits (and my brother had one) and we kept them in cages under a lean-to next to our barn. Don’t worry, we lived on the wet side of Oregon and it never got that cold. Plus they had these nice little wooden boxes to nest in.
Both of my rabbits had babies, and they all died. How sad is that? I don’t think I was a very good rabbit mama because I didn’t know what to do for them to help them take care of their babies. Do you know how hard it is to bury baby bunnies? When you’re in grade school?
See, now I’m about to cry. This is why I had to write a post and help save the bunny!
We moved when I was in middle school and I had to leave my bunnies behind. They went to my 4-H leader’s house and she had lots of bunnies so I’m sure they had long happy bunny lives.
And I won’t tell you about the time our club went to a rabbit farm and they fed us hot dogs for lunch... and then when we were done eating they told us they were rabbit hot dogs. EW!
And come visit me sometime for more random weirdness! :)