Hello everyone! It's me, Jennifer, from Playgroups are No Place for Children. I'm not sure if I actually belong HERE. Unlike Megan, I'm not really a writer, I merely play one on the Internet.
Megan assured me, however, that I'm an "amazing writer whom she emulates and envies." * She went on to say that she is "continually blown away by my unbelievable posts and wishes she could use fancy $5 words like me."** (That's actually $5.27 words for you Canadian readers.) This made me feel MUCH better about writing here at her site.
I should also say that Megan did say I used "foul-language" in one of her recent posts, I'm sure she meant it in a love you *mwa!* kind of way. I took her name-calling as a challenge to write an ENTIRE post sans curse words. Go me!
Since I'm here and not at my regular place, I thought this would be the perfect setting to reveal a little secret of mine. It's a risk to make this confession, as I certainly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. This secret is EARTH SHATTERING. Prepare to be riveted...
Since Ella's birth, I've received multitudes of darling baby girl clothing. I'm not one to complain about receiving a gift, especially a gift of a sweet, little pink dress or precious onesies with pictures of baby animals. I'm a sucker for the girly-girl stuff.
Here's my confession. I despise some of the gifts Ella has received. Yes, 'despise' seems a bit harsh, but I think you'll agree when you take a look at the pictures. As much as I know it's wrong to complain about a gift (it's the thought that counts, right? Right!), it's hard NOT to complain when you receive CAMOUFLAGE clothing for your baby girl. I am fully aware of my residence in Alabama and the stereotype of life in the South. I can assure you, however, that my daughter is not the camouflage kinda gal.
Writing thank you notes for these gifts was excruciating,
"Thank you so much for the
hideousdress/outfit. I'm going toburn itsave it for when she grows into it.What the hell were you thinking?She'll lookterribleadorable in the dress/outfit.Don't bother sending anymore gifts ever again. Thanksbut no thanksso much again! The Playgroupies"
Are your eyes bleeding, like mine? I'm not sure what was going through these people's minds when they were shopping for Ella. "Gee, let's get a cute little GIRL a really hideous CAMOUFLAGE outfit." See, when I think of baby girls, my mind doesn't immediately think "camouflage." How is this EVER a good idea? Were they suffering from some type of temporary brain injury, thus altering their otherwise good judgment? What's next, a rifle? A gun rack for her pick-up truck?
Very intriguing questions, indeed. Unfortunately, questions without answers. And I'm left to take the requisite picture of my cute little girl in fugly camouflage clothing to appease the brain-damaged gift givers.
I'm sure you can see the sheer magnitude of this confession warranted posting at someone else's blog. I hope that my confession will inspire you to leave your own confessions in the comments. Your secret is safe here.
Thank you, Megan for letting me get this off my chest.
*Megan did not actually say this.
**She didn't actually say this, either.