I'm taking another turn on the eBay blog rollercoaster.
This time the ride is called Sparkplugging, my personal car is called eBay and eCommerce, and I'm graced with a new passenger/ co-author. Frankly, this ride sounds much more exciting than eMoms at Home, dontcha think?. Wanna check it out?
I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.
Hopefully I won't fly out of the car this time and forget to write anything for, say, five months. Well, I was busy. I'm writing now. Deal.
I'll be continuing my eBay Selling for eParents channel at Sparkplugging, writing about starting and managing an eBay store. My co-author is Kristie McDonald from Nitro Toyz and she will be covering much of the how-to nuts and bolts of opening and running an eCommerce store, which extends far beyond eBay.
So, yes, I'll pretty much be prattling on about personal eBay stories, crazy customers, and my envy of much-cuter-than-mine eBay stores, while Kristie will tell you how to get some real work done. Sounds like a deal to me.
If the work-at-home generation is not your style, then take a swing over to my other project, Blog Nosh Magazine. A divine new banner is up, courtesy of Sam at Temptation Designs and you have to check it out.
Seriously, I want to eat that banner. I literally had to go out and buy a pack of chocolate doughnuts after we were done with the design. Yeah, I didn't have a craving for a ripe red apple, strangely enough.
And then my butt and thighs chuckle to themselves.
I am still organizing the site and I still need your help. Particularly, I need your help finding a few good men. Aaaaawwww yeah.
No, seriously, we need some testosterone in that joint and I'm not talking about the kind that makes us sprout hairs in weird places.
Do you know some amazing dad bloggers? Male gamers? Men who eat food? Send 'em my way.
Don't care about working at home or promoting your own blog and those of others? Rather just splash out on some snazzy new fitted tees? You'll be happy to know that this is a project I have absolutely nothing to do with:
Mrs. Fussypants is launching her new CafePress store today!
Blissfully Domestic Designs offers clever products in categories ranging from Blissful Babies to Mommy Bloggers. Going to BlogHer this year? Buy your wardrobe from Blissfully Domestic Designs!
They also have coffee mugs (buying all of them, I swear), bags, and hats. Seriously, just a ton of stuff. All with that Blissfully beautiful air about them.
Ooh, and if you are a particular fan of Mrs. Fussypants, finding yourself consistently flattered
by her complimenting of your beautimous face and cute shoes, followed by her big sweet "MWAH!" kisses, then sneak over to Mrs. Fussypants Baby Shower today and wish her well on shooting out baby boy #5.
Yeah, the woman is insane.
This is why you need to buy something from her new CafePress store above. The chick needs to pay for 90 packs of diapers a month.
The Baby Shower blog will feature well-wishing posts from some of your favorite mommybloggers today, including me, if I ever write anything. Love you, Alli! I thank God every day that I am able to manage two little boys. Five? Bless your heart.
So, clearly, what I am saying to you today is: Be anywhere but here. Because here at Velveteen Mind today, I got nothing. But all of those other places? I got tons.
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