Guest Post by PunditMom
I have grand plans. I have plenty of ideas. I make lists. I get myself geared up.
And then I can't get started.
I have book ideas dancing like visions of sugarplums in my head.
I have a vision of a house that's neat and tidy. I fantasize about finding a way to get the family to the dinner table together with something a tad more nutritious than pasta with sauce from a jar.
Then after I do morning school drop-off, and maybe run an errand or two, I get home and immerse myself in my office and get stuck.
Sure, I can crank out the blog posts. And there's satisfaction in that. I'm a writer, after all, and there is the immediate gratification of seeing my words out there in the bloggy-sphere. I'm even getting noticed a little bit for it, so that satisfies my ego.
But I've got to find a way to snap out of my funk and find another path.
I don't want to stop this, but my life needs to be about more -- more comfy-ness in my home, more time focused on PunditGirl, more time to get the fingers moving on other stories I need to tell that can't be told in this virtual world. Time to focus on me -- because at my ripe old age, I have finally figured out that no one is ever going to put me first except me.
So I'm going to start being more selfish about my time. But I feel guilty about that. My problem, I know. I'm working on that.
Why am I writing this here and not at my place? Because I still need to keep these thoughts and feelings private from certain people, but I still need to put them out here somewhere so I can get them off my chest and find the motivation I've been lacking for a long time to take care of me -- physically, mentally and emotionally.
Any thoughts on where I can find the impetus? I know a body at rest tends to stay at rest. I need to get this body movin'.
We've all been there or we all are there, so head over to PunditMom and show her the solidarity I know is there on this one. An absolute treasure trove of solid posts, you'll be glad you did. Just be prepared to get lost in the good stuff...