Guest post by Carrie from Is There A Doctor In the House?
So it used to be when you spied someone holding hands in public.
Or when two people showed up together at some mutual event--arrived in the same car, sat together, left together, seemed awfully...familiar.
THAT was when you knew something was going on.
Not anymore.
Welcome to the 21st century, folks.
Welcome to the world of Facebook.
"It's not real unless it's on Facebook." This? I've said it. I've said it to people that I've known were dating but who didn't go public until they made that crucial move. It was meant to be a "huzzah! yay for being brave and going public! yay for being in a relationship!"
I had no idea that the act itself--of changing your status--could be so...terrifying.
It's basically opening your life up to strangers. Coming clean about the things that have been, if not secret, definitely kept quiet. It's saying "yes, please, I'd love for you to ask me questions about my love life. Why not?"
And yet, strangely, it didn't feel at all real until I did it. Isn't that just the weirdest thing ever? That I should feel so compelled to share, to declare, to make known what is making me so happy--completely crazy nuts happy--in the shadows of my life.
I claim it. I own it.
Yes, folks, my relationship status is complicated--and not.
Because if it's on Facebook, it's real.
And isn't that just the coolest thing EVER?!?
Read all about the ever-evolving status of Carrie at Is There A Doctor In the House?