« Bay Waveland bridge. My #GulfCoast love letter. To you. Write me back. | Main | I bite my lip and lean into your touch. I am tenacious. I will if you will. »


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  • Megan JordanWriter. Mother.
    Speaker. Consultant.
    Knife juggler. Essentially.

    Publisher + advocate
    of online art.

    If not for my need to clarify, I'd be a poet.


    Writing from Gulfport, Mississippi, between Mobile, Alabama and New Orleans, Louisiana on the stunning Gulf Coast.

    email Megan


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  • © Velveteen Media, LLC 2007- 2014 Any and all references, quotes, use must be attributed via hyperlink to the source. Noncommercial use. In other words, ask before you "borrow" as hell hath no fury like a blogger plagiarized.

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Member since 01/2007
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