Saturday was Worldwide Day of Play. You may know it as "the day Nickelodeon goes off the air."
I've always noticed the Worldwide Day of Play because Saturday in our house is usually "Living-room-wide Day of 'Hey, stop jumping on that! I'm trying to watch 9 hours of the Food Network!'"
I'm just exhausted by the time Saturday rolls around and then I end up wasting it on the couch.
We needed to get out of the house on a Saturday.
For this year's Worldwide Day of Play, Story Bleed Magazine partnered with GoGo squeeZ applesauce for a writing challenge called #GoGoDayOfPlay. The mission? Get out of the house, go play, take photos, then come back and share those photos with the GoGo Gang on Facebook and help GoGo squeeZ build a playground.
Go play. Go write. Do good.
So what did we do? We committed to the whole "out of the house" thing. We went camping!
Two adults. Three kids, ages 7, 5, and almost 2. Camping. And it was awesome.
We told stories. We played games. We ran and ran and ran around the fire. We told more stories. We laughed ourselves into fits. We lost all track of time, under the stars.
When I shot that last photo of Grey, the blonde 5 year old on the left, he said, "Who do you think I am, Justin Bieber?" I sort of guffawed because I didn't realize he even knew who the Biebs was, to which he retorted, "That's why I'm here, to make you laugh. Definitely not to stuff a pig in an alligator's face."
And then I roared. Nothing beats being five. Nothing.
What did you do Saturday?
If you got out of the house and played, we would love for you to join the GoGo Gang on Facebook simply by uploading a photo of your playtime. When the GoGo Gang is 100,000 members strong, GoGo squeeZ will team up with Action for Healthy Kids to renovate a play space in an under-served community.
Want to share your story? Post your photo on your blog and tell us what got you moving.
Then share your post by adding your link to the #GoGoDayOfPlay challenge at Story Bleed Magazine.
We love simple fun. It's time we pursued more of it.