We are currently broke. There is a difference between broke and poor, poor seeming to me to be a more permanent situation. We're just plain broke folk at the moment.
Given this current cash hemorrhage flow problem, I have turned to my online ventures to help stop the death throes gap. As a blogger, this means advertising.
One of my favorite blogs is Jessica Knows, currently featuring 15 Days of Marketing. This is right up my alley of pressing needs, as her post on building your brand through a solid biography page, reinforced through a meticulous Press page is just what I need to focus on as I decide how to pitch the advertising opportunities available on Velveteen Mind.
Fortunately, I'm fairly happy with my current "About" page, needing mostly to add Press and my advertising rates. Oooooh, that's right... advertising rates.
I'm brainstorming, kicking around numbers based on basic research I've already done for the advertising available on Blog Nosh Magazine, and I come to a brilliant conclusion: Small businesses and personal blogs will receive a discounted rate, while larger businesses will receive a higher rate. You know, the big boxes like Kodak and WalMart shouldn't get the sweet deals I give the mom and pops just trying to scrape together a living. Let's call it a "luxury tax."
Man, I am so funny. Crack myself up.
Heeeeey... wait...
What exactly is different about my "tax" plan and President-elect Obama's?
I'm going to have to reconsider this redistribution of the blogosphere wealth.
In the meantime, I did pick up one very clear and easy-to-utilize tip from Jessica Knows: ScratchBack's TopSpots widget! In short, it's a tip jar with benefits. If you would like to support Velveteen Mind and/or Blog Nosh Magazine, you simply toss in a tip via PayPal through the widget in the right sidebar. It's the one under "Subscribe" that says "Are You in my TopSpots?" on a blue bit of paper. As thanks, you receive a text link for your blog or business on Velveteen Mind (or go to Blog Nosh Magazine and do the same). Simple. Clean.
I don't mean that I literally want you to tip me right now yes I do, just swap the name of my blog for yours or your friend's and you see the intrigue.
Tip jars always felt tacky to me, yet I never hesitate to chip in when someone requests a donation for their services, whether it be NPR or a free web application I use religiously. I love tip jars on blogs, even when I'm only tipping a buck or two. ScratchBack gives bloggers a really easy way to give back a tangible thanks, though, which is quite my style.
And no, this is not an ad for them. No commissions paid.
I'm just, you know, spreading the wealth.
Damn it.
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