xxx yeah, um, video goes here xxx
Oops... above is supposed to be a supa dupa cool and interesting video of me installing and using my wicked useful Epson Artisan 800 printer. Give me a second to fix the video... the meantime, check it out:
Epson Artisan Series (information, features, and other lickable goodness)
See it over here on the right? The video has me touching it and stuff.
How did I get hooked up with the Epson Artisan 800? One2One Network and BlissDom!
These women know what a mom blogger like me needs. What a disorganized, procrastinating, yet simultaneously ambitious mom scrambling together a working life from home needs.
Epson understands this, too, and that's why BlissDom was even possible. Epson made BlissDom not only possible, but free to all attendees. That is astonishing.
Yeah, yeah, I know I already wrote about the Epson Artisan and why this work-at-home mom desperately needed an all-in-one like this, but the video is even better.
Come back later!
By the way... See? See how I procrastinate?! This post was supposed to be changed to just a quick note telling you that my video needs to be fixed and I ended up writing half of what I said in the video... but seriously, the video is better.
Focus. Focus. Focus. I'll be back soon!
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