I think someone placed an Obliviate charm on me this weekend because I forgot all about my blog. Or maybe someone Confunded me, because I may have gotten my priorities a bit skewed for a moment there.
Yep, I read the new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Practically in one sitting. My brain seems to have melted and leaked out of my ear.
I've been reading that 759 page book non-stop since Saturday morning. I think Pants taught himself how to make Goose some baby food somewhere along the way because I don't even remember feeding them. Pants may have been surviving on leftover birthday cupcakes from Gooses's pseudo party the week before for all I know. I was reading.
Now, I'm not some big Potter Geek that plays role playing games or whatever. No offense to you RPG peeps out there, because I know you are there. I just truly enjoy the books and think it is absolutely worth celebrating something that has brought a love of reading back to so many families.
As such, I was totally on board for the final Book Release party at Barnes and Noble. No, we didn't dress up, but we totally got a kick out of all the kids that did. How can you not give at least a little respect to a series of books that has kids pumped about staying up all night to read an almost 800 page book? This is a good thing, as far as I'm concerned.
Did any of you go to any of the Harry Potter Midnight Magic parties? Our local Barnes & Noble had a costume contest, a fortune teller, a Sorting Hat station, and a face painting station, all leading up to the countdown at midnight for the actual book release. Although we didn't participate, the costume contest was impressive and you couldn't help but feel like you were at Hogwarts when surrounded by so many Hogwarts school uniforms. These kids were really into it and I loved it.
We did line up to be Sorted, however. How could we not? Goose got Sorted into Gryffindor, the Sorting Hat announcing that he was "gifted with bravery and courage, this one."
Good going, Goose! Pants backed out of the Sorting at the last minute, so I'm guessing that means he'll have to be a house-elf working in the kitchens. Tough break.
Although Pants was having a ball the whole time, he never did totally commit to doing any of the activities himself. I can't blame him, as he wasn't familiar with Harry Potter before we showed up at the party and he seemed to be under the impression that we were at a birthday party for this Potter kid. Poor thing's going to be disappointed when he sees that I don't have bags and books with his face plastered on them for his own birthday party in a couple of days.
He didn't hesitate to sign me up for stuff to do, though. Shortly after spotting the face painting station, he informed me that he found a place for "face paintings!" and I had to get one. He was very specific in what I had to get (an owl) and where I had to get it (on my right cheek). He was also very specific that he did not want one, thank you very much. Thanks to our nifty (and very cheap) camera phones, we get to show off my fancy "face painting" and the tattoo Pants put on earlier in the day while trying out some of the activities we have planned for their birthday party. As luck would have it, we're planning on having our own face painting and tattoo booth, so this was great practice!
Needless to say, we didn't stay until midnight for the actual launch. We were living crazy staying out until past 10pm as it was. I ran out and bought the book in the morning, though, and that brings me back to today, my Confudus charm having broken now that I finally finished reading the book last night and allowing me to remember that I do not, in fact, live in England, attend a magical school, or have a pressing need to defeat a dark lord of magic.
I do, apparently, have a pressing need to do the dishes, laundry, and get us together for our carnival birthday party for both Goose and Pants on Thursday, however. Being without a wand, all of these things must be done by hand, by me, and done now.
Such a shame, really. I could so use a wand. Anyone have a case of Mrs. Scower's Magical Mess Remover, at least?
* * * * *
PS- Upon review, I realize that I have now mentioned Harry Potter two posts in a row. My husband, after reading this one, has pointed out that this post makes us look like total dorks. Ahem.
I should therefore note that we are total Rock Stars. On our better days, I'm sure my husband would like to think of us as Porn Stars. We scorn all things Dork. Rock on! Bang your head! Yadda yadda yadda.
... I, however, still stand behind the fact that anything that makes kids pick up a book deserves to be celebrated. This is precisely why I wanted to take the boys to this party. Plant the seeds early. Party about books!
In which case, I might just be a Rock Star Librarian. But totally a rocker, nonetheless. :) Wait, do rockers use smiley faces? Pretend that one has horns... =:P