And then, as if by design, I reached to look to my phone for the time, to see if I had any missed calls, and I saw what felt like dozens of Facebook messages. My friend Megan had tagged me on Facebook in a message, and others were commenting, liking, and tagging me themselves, too:
Happiness is.. uplifting messages from friends that urge you along the way to continue doing what you love, and that you’re helping people.
Friends, I cannot even begin to describe this message, and what it did to me (and for me). I was, and continue to be speechless, and incredibly humbled. I feel like I won the lotto. Thank you, dear-reader-whose-name-I-do-not-know-but-would-like-to, I appreciate your loving me and this site so much to tell others. To know that I’m helping you and other parents cook good tasting food for your family’s table, it means the WORLD to me. I feel vindicated, even though the only one ever questioning myself was me. All I ever wanted to do was to help other mothers and parents, like myself. And now I know that I am, that I have, and I am to continue to do so.