Finally, there's writing jealousy. And here, we also need to break it down to:
- Jealousy of someone's success in breaking into paid blogging or paid freelancing in the print or television world.
- Jealousy of someone's writing, oh, my God, their sentences.
Megan of Velveteen Mind writes about wanting to break into magazine writing.
Don't get me wrong, I do love the community. Some days. Most days. But I want more. Do you? If blogging is my springboard, I need to jump already. What do you want from all of this? What are you doing about it? Are you satisfied? I used to want a really cool alternative to keeping a baby book for my kids. Now I want something for me, too.
While I admit to jealousy of other people's "money" or "fame," which may or may not be real, I get most jealous of other people's sentences, which most certainly ARE REAL.