Has it really been a month since I last posted? Yeah, well, that little bit o' sick germs we were wrestling with turned into the full blown plague. It has taken us a full month to all get over it. Colds turned into infections and 102 degree fevers, then lack of sleep opened me up for a virus attack. I am still short of breath and coughing. Lovely.
Somewhere toward the start of all that, our internet also crashed, leading me into what seemed like the dark ages... yes, plague and all. Between that and what I am fairly certain was a significant loss of brain cells (seriously, I think part of my brain melted on the third day of that fever), I sort of lost interest in the black hole of time-sucking that is the computer. I have been struggling with the pretentious nature of blogging, as it was, so the forced cold-turkey computer detox just sort of pushed me over the edge. What started as a computer glitch turned into a full-fledged computer hiatus, even after our internet was restored.
"Turn on, tune in, drop out" no more. It's all "Turn off the computer and tune in to life" for me!
But now I'm over it.
Back to chronicling my life for that shrouded audience again. I still think blogs are pretentious, but I like writing and I am enjoying the illusion that whole scads of people out there enjoy reading what I'm writing, so on we press.
Once more unto the breach, dear friends...